Through an average 'Save-Your-Cat-Stuck-On-The-Church-Steeple-During-A-Storm-With-A-Kite' kinda thing, Kika - a sturdy nine-year-old girl - and Bob - a none too clever fire-fighter - are blown to the other side of the planet by a typhoon.

Their main goal is to get home ASAP and save the cat, of course this is a lot easier said than done.

In each episode Kika and Bob succeed in covering a part of their journey home, while being confronted with an endless variety of cultures.Every episode involves a period of tension where problems specific to our heroes location (environment/areas) are solved. Per episode they will also have to reach one main goal, such as finding their way through the jungle, getting over a mountain, boarding a ship on time etc.
All episodes close with a cliff-hanger, leaving our heroes facing a new problem, such as behind the jungle lies a desert, the mountain turns out to be an active volcano, the ship sinks etc. So the journey unfolds not to be easy or straightforward, but rife with unpredictability, new dilemmas and strange encounters. The style of problems faced varies from the classical struggle of 'man versus nature', to that of 'man versus man'. In this manner, the series will deal with current themes and issues without being too politically correct or condescending.

The themes are never presented as black-and-white situations, with the solutions being unexpected and maybe even a little ambiguous: Bob won't get sick eating a grilled grasshopper but Kika will fall ill when she buys a Popsicle from a street-vendor. A recurring motive is the continued attempt to get in touch with someone at home who might be able to save Tiger the cat. Unfortunately this seems to fail time and time again: The postcard they've sent takes ten years to be delivered, when they send off a carrier-pigeon, the poor animal is shot by the local clay-pigeon shooter etc.
This way the goal of our travelers remains in focus: Get home and save Tiger!Another area of tension is between the characters.

As the series progresses, they will not only get to know each other better, but will also learn new things about themselves. This doesn't happen without a struggle. They are confronted with each other's shortcomings and rudeness, but being stuck in the same situation they HAVE to learn to work together. Each episode shows us a new character trait, sometimes this will be nice, but it might also be something annoying or bad:
Bob might not be too smart, but he has the courage of a lion and is as dependable as a rock.
Kika might be bright and really tough, but sometimes she wishes she could just blink her eyes and be back in her own comfy bed.


The fact that Kika only likes macaroni and ketchup sure adds to all the problems...Through the journey Bob learns that he doesn't have to be afraid of the Big Unknown, that there are a thousand different ways to live your life and still be happy. Oh, and most importantly, that there's no reason to be afraid of the dark!
Kika discovers that her terribly boring life at home in Waterloo wasn't all that boring after all, that not everybody is as stupid as they appear to be. Oh, and most importantly, that it is OK to be afraid of the dark!


At the end of every episode the viewers are left with a last shot of Kika's cat, Tiger who is still stuck on the church steeple. Tiger is a Tamagotchi: the young viewers at home are responsible for his wellbeing while Kika and Bob are away. They can help him catch flying birds from the sky so that he doesn't starve.

In between Kika's adventures, whenever she thinks of Tiger, there will be cuts to the cat sitting on the steeple, getting thinner and thinner. Only if there are enough children around to help him catch the birds, will Tiger be able to survive.


Original version: English
Running time: 26 x 13-minutes
Release:autum 2007

Production Submarine | Co-production Peachblossom Media | Sales Submarine

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